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What is TransForMission?
Every person has a Purpose, through which we live our most successful and authentic lives. TransForMission is a five-step path to Purpose, based on communication theory and scientific research into Empathy.
TransForMission is the nexus of Purpose, Empathy and Compassion. You witness the science and art of persuasion in advertising, business and around your own home. Donna Apidone has designed a five-step path that reveals how you can sharpen your focus and lead you to your personal and professional Purpose.
Available to corporate groups, congregations and service organizations as a weekend workshop or a series of six two-hour sessions.
A comprehensive description of the Donna Apidone’s TransForMission Path is available by request.
What people are saying
“It compelled me to put into action that which I’ve long intended to do.”
“Helped me clarify where I’m going and what I want to do.”
“Donna kept the group on focus, and easily persuaded [us] to participate due to her trusting style.”
“Her organizational style is fun and effective for motivating one toward objectives.”
“She is a master.”
“Donna’s TransForMission class seemed to bring out the best in all of us. Because of Donna’s inclusive and accepting teaching style, we were inspired to participate authentically and deeply. Everyone’s participation was valued and encouraged. I left the class with increased satisfaction, passion, and meaning in my daily life, and a sense of connection with the other participants.” -Jan
“I took the TransForMission class a few months after the death of my long-time spouse. I hoped it would help me figure out what I wanted my next chapter to be about. It more than delivered. By using the TransForMission process, I identified my personal core values, which have helped me define how I spend my time and energy. It is very satisfying to act purposefully. Donna is a very skilled facilitator. The team-building aspect of it was a surprise and a gift. Maximum stars!” - Kay
“I often think how my life has been transformed by such a dear soul. My greatest gift from Donna has been the concept of paying attention to my Attention. After taking her TransForMission workshop (twice), my toolbox is packed with tools and steps to navigate this Universe in a way I can remember to remember to pay attention; Simply, Compassionately and Purposefully.
Thank you, Donna!” - Kerry
TransForMission is designed as the companion book for Donna’s life-changing seminars. It outlines the five-step path, with practical suggestions and extensive quotes from people who found their Purpose.

The book earned Apidone the Beverly Hills Book Award.

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